SOLD OUT Kate Adie is a pioneering British journalist renowned for her war reporting and captivating storytelling. Her career, spanning over five decades, has taken her to some of the world’s most volatile regions. She continues to educate and inform listeners...
Alastair Stewart, the iconic newsreader and political commentator, will join Michael McManus for an evening of insightful conversation, they’ll delve into the complexities of the Heath era and draw parallels and contrasts to the contemporary political landscape....
As Prime Minister for three years and Home Secretary for six years, Theresa May came face-to-face with a series of issues in which the abuse of power led to devastating results for individuals and significantly damaged the reputation of, and trust in, public...
Dr Henry Kissinger, the former US Secretary of State and National Security Advisor has died at the age of 100. The Sir Edward Heath Charitable Foundation mourns his passing, while celebrating his long and remarkable life. The trustees have written to his widow Nancy...
Sir Edward Heath’s desk, previously owned by David Lloyd GeorgePhotograph, Luke Futcher Dive deep into the world of history, politics, and even space, as our line-up of captivating speakers explore the past and present and present of British politics in Arundells’...