Prepare for a double dose of journalistic brilliance as Arundells presents two exceptional events featuring iconic figures in the field: ground-breaking BBC correspondent Kate Adie and legendary ITN news-anchor Alastair Stewart. These renowned figures, widely...
At this event co-hosted by the Mile End Institute and the Sir Edward Heath Charitable Foundation, Professor Tim Bale and Tom Chidwick will launch their new Edward Heath Academic Forum and host a panel discussion of ‘eyewitnesses’ to mark the fiftieth...
As Prime Minister for three years and Home Secretary for six years, Theresa May came face-to-face with a series of issues in which the abuse of power led to devastating results for individuals and significantly damaged the reputation of, and trust in, public...
Arundells is set to continue its transformation into a vibrant cultural hub by hosting a diverse range of arts events in 2024. The spring programme includes a silent cinema screening of a Buster Keaton classic, concerts, multimedia performances and talks on art,...