Talks this Autumn – Open for Booking

Talks this Autumn – Open for Booking

Sir Edward Heath’s desk, previously owned by David Lloyd GeorgePhotograph, Luke Futcher Dive deep into the world of history, politics, and even space, as our line-up of captivating speakers explore the past and present and present of British politics in Arundells’...
Edward Heath & Arundells

Edward Heath & Arundells

By Tom Chidwick. In a review of Michael McManus’s Edward Heath: A Singular Life in July 2016, Philip Collins penned one of the most deceptively simple assessments of the former Conservative Prime Minister’s character. Speculating on the often-discussed sexuality of...
The Love Story of an Aristocrat and a Rugged Explorer by Isla

The Love Story of an Aristocrat and a Rugged Explorer by Isla

While Isla was with us this summer for work experience, she wrote this fantastic piece for us, we  hope you enjoy what she discovered, thank you Isla! James Everard Arundell (born in 1721) was the third son of the 6th Lord Arundell of Wardour and in 1752 he married...
Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs

Written by Annie Boag. As with all grand houses there was an upstairs and downstairs divide. Those who worked mainly downstairs and lived up in the attics haven’t been recorded, until now, in the history of Arundells. They are, without doubt, part of the story so I...
The Bown Family – Written by Annie Boag

The Bown Family – Written by Annie Boag

(Image shows Elizabeth with Peterkin and Tribulation 1942. South door of Arundells with brown tape on glass to prevent blast damage) I’m being radical, rather than keeping things chronological I thought you would enjoy reading about the Bown family. I would like...
Leonard Bilson

Leonard Bilson

Written by Annie Boag Leonard Bilson was the last canon to live in the house, until the 20th century, an educated man of previous high standing, who ended up in indelible infamy and in prison for 23 years, for the sake of unrequited love. Leonard Bilson was born in...